Friday, January 6, 2012

And the winner is. . .

Best Night LIfe Meltdown
Tina Burner getting drugged up on oxycotton and booze and flipping a table at Xes Lounge

Worst Beat On A Drag Queen
Ari Kiki

Most Likely To Shop at Strawberry
Paige Turner

Best Hole in The Hole
(Yes really!!!)
Ari Kiki

Most Drunken Mess
Tina Burner

Best Show to Sleep During
(Two-way tie)
Honey Makes the World Go Round

Are You Even Trying 

Most Watered Down Drinks

Most Likely To Be Paid To Put Your Clothes Back On

Hot Tranny Mess
Ari Kiki

Cunt of the Year
Frostie Flakes